Sleeping After Sternotomy

After undergoing a sternotomy, a surgical procedure that involves cutting through the sternum to access the heart, adequate sleep becomes crucial for the healing process.

During sleep, the body releases hormones that promote tissue repair and growth, including growth hormone and prolactin. These hormones play a vital role in healing the surgical wound and the surrounding tissues, facilitating the regeneration of cells and the restoration of the sternum's structural integrity.

Additionally, sleep helps regulate the immune system, enhancing the body's ability to fight off infections and combat potential complications. A well-rested individual has a stronger immune response, which is crucial for preventing surgical site infections and promoting overall healing.

Furthermore, sleep deprivation can lead to increased inflammation, which can hinder the healing process. Adequate sleep helps reduce inflammation by modulating the release of inflammatory mediators and promoting the production of anti-inflammatory substances.

Sleep also plays a crucial role in pain management. During sleep, the body produces endorphins, natural painkillers that help alleviate discomfort and promote relaxation. Sufficient sleep can help reduce the need for pain medication, facilitating a more comfortable recovery.

Moreover, sleep is essential for cognitive function and emotional well-being. After surgery, individuals may experience anxiety, stress, and mood disturbances. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate these emotional challenges and hinder the recovery process. Conversely, adequate sleep can help improve mood, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of calmness, which are all conducive to healing.

Therefore, ensuring adequate sleep is paramount for individuals recovering from a sternotomy. By prioritizing sleep, patients can optimize their healing process, manage pain more effectively, enhance their immune function, and improve their overall well-being.

How To Sleep Better After Sternotomy

After undergoing a sternotomy, a surgical procedure involving the incision of the sternum to access the heart or lungs, adequate sleep is crucial for optimal recovery. However, the healing process can be impacted by the discomfort and restrictions associated with the surgery, necessitating specific sleep adjustments to ensure comfort, safety, and proper healing.

Positioning: Due to the incision and potential discomfort, sleeping on the back is generally recommended after a sternotomy. This position minimizes pressure on the sternum and prevents undue strain on the incision. Elevating the upper body with pillows or a wedge-shaped pillow can also help reduce swelling and promote better breathing.

Pain Management: Effective pain management is essential for restful sleep after sternotomy. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can be used to alleviate discomfort. However, if pain persists or intensifies, consulting a healthcare provider for stronger pain medication or alternative pain management strategies is advisable.

Cough and Sneeze Precautions: Coughing and sneezing can put stress on the sternum and cause discomfort or pain. To minimize the risk of complications, covering the incision with a pillow or blanket while coughing or sneezing is recommended. Additionally, using a humidifier in the bedroom can help soothe the throat and reduce the frequency of coughing.

Incision Care: Special attention should be given to the incision site to prevent infection and promote proper healing. Maintaining a clean and dry incision is crucial. If a bandage or dressing is used, it should be changed regularly as directed by a healthcare professional.

Lifestyle Adjustments: To facilitate healing and improve sleep quality, certain lifestyle adjustments may be necessary. Avoiding strenuous activities, heavy lifting, or any movements that strain the chest is essential. Additionally, smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided as they can hinder the healing process.

Psychological Support: Undergoing a major surgery can be physically and emotionally challenging. Seeking emotional support from family, friends, or support groups can help alleviate anxiety and promote overall well-being, which can positively impact sleep quality.

Seeking Professional Advice: Consulting a healthcare provider or sleep specialist can provide personalized guidance and recommendations tailored to individual needs and circumstances. They can offer advice on specific sleep positions, pain management strategies, and any necessary lifestyle modifications to optimize sleep during the recovery period.

Following these sleep adjustments and seeking professional guidance can contribute to a more comfortable and restful sleep experience, supporting the healing process and promoting a successful recovery after sternotomy.

Tools For Improving Sleep When Recovering From Sternotomy


Pain Management:

Relaxation Techniques:

Other Tips:

Insomnia After Sternotomy

Sternotomy, the surgical procedure involving the cutting of the sternum or breastbone, can significantly disrupt normal sleep patterns, leading to insomnia. This sleep disruption can be attributed to several factors.

Firstly, the surgical trauma and pain associated with sternotomy can make it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position. The incision site may be tender and sensitive, and any pressure on the chest can cause discomfort. This discomfort can interfere with the ability to relax and fall asleep.

Secondly, the use of certain medications, such as pain relievers and sedatives, during and after the surgery can disrupt normal sleep-wake cycles. These medications can cause drowsiness and grogginess during the day, making it difficult to stay awake, and can interfere with sleep at night.

Thirdly, the emotional stress associated with a major surgery like sternotomy can also contribute to insomnia. The anxiety and worry about the surgery, the recovery process, and the underlying medical condition can make it difficult to relax and fall asleep.

Additionally, the physical limitations imposed by the surgery can further exacerbate sleep problems. The inability to move around freely due to pain or discomfort, the need for frequent suctioning or other medical procedures, and the use of medical devices such as CPAP machines can disrupt sleep continuity and quality.

To address insomnia after sternotomy, it is important to work closely with healthcare providers to manage pain effectively, optimize medication use, and address any underlying emotional or psychological issues. Non-pharmacological interventions such as relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, and cognitive-behavioral therapy can also be helpful in improving sleep quality.

Best Sleeping Positions After Sternotomy

For individuals recovering from a Sternotomy, which is a surgical procedure involving the splitting of the sternum to access the heart, choosing the most suitable sleeping positions is crucial for promoting comfort, minimizing pain, and facilitating the healing process.

The primary goal when selecting a sleeping position post-sternotomy is to reduce tension and pressure on the sternum. This helps alleviate discomfort and pain, allowing for undisturbed rest and proper healing.

The most recommended sleeping position for sternotomy patients is reclining on the back, commonly known as the supine position. In this position, the body is flat on the bed, with the head slightly elevated using pillows. This elevation helps reduce pressure on the sternum and promotes better breathing. To further enhance comfort, a pillow can be placed under the knees to maintain a slight bend in the legs.

An alternative position, suitable for some individuals, is sleeping on the side. However, it's important to choose the non-operated side to minimize pressure on the sternum. To maintain proper alignment, a pillow should be placed between the legs to prevent the operated side from rolling forward.

It's worth noting that sleeping on the stomach is generally not advisable for sternotomy patients. This position puts direct pressure on the sternum, causing discomfort and potentially hindering healing.

Regardless of the chosen sleeping position, it's important to maintain good posture and avoid twisting or bending the upper body, as these movements can strain the sternum. Additionally, using soft pillows and a comfortable mattress can further enhance comfort and promote restful sleep.

Consulting with a healthcare professional or physical therapist can provide personalized guidance on the most suitable sleeping positions based on an individual's specific condition and recovery progress. They can also recommend techniques for safely adjusting positions during sleep and provide additional tips for managing discomfort and promoting healing.

Talk To A Doctor If...

If you have recently undergone a sternotomy and are experiencing sleep difficulties, it is essential to be aware of the potential causes and when to seek medical attention. Here are some indications that you should consult a doctor: